Wednesday 29 June 2011

Good-bye Basil

Basil the bunny was purchased from a pet store in Newmarket when he was three months old, in 2001. He lived with my family for many years, and was the responsibility of myself, and when I left for school, my sister. He was a good bunny, always very affectionate and curious in his surroundings. He ruled the animal kingdom in the house, Toby the dog would move to the side to allow Basil to pass him in the hallway.

When my sister left for school, my Mom looked after Basil for a little while, however she did not really want to. We started looking around to see if we could find him another place to live. Basil was given to my friend Laura, who was looking for a low maintenance pet. With Laura and her roommates, Basil really shone. He hopped around their apartment, keeping them company on late nights and stressful days. They gave him the attention he had been lacking over the last several years.

On June 23rd, Basil died peacefully in Laura's arms. He was 10 years old.  I am so glad that she gave him the love he deserved, and that she was there with him at the end.

Rest in peace Basil, you will be missed.  

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