Saturday 17 December 2011

December Update

 To the People Who Read My Blog:

I apologize for not writing in so long. Computer troubles, combined with end-of-term madness helped the month of November to fly by without any blogging. I have no excuse for December though, I've just been lazy!

Here is my news for the month December:

1) I officially finished term one of my masters! Only two and a half years left. Sigh. Why did I choose this route again?

2) Willow was recalled on December 2nd, a very sad day for both of us.

3) Last week I visited my parents in the country, and realized that it is actually way less safe than the city! Everywhere I walked Ace, he was at risk of getting shot by stupid hunters or grouchy landowners. Let me tell you, he was all decked out in red ribbon in order to be an obvious pet!

4) My poor little Willow was disqualified from ADS due to her allergies. Although I wish they would have been willing to try her on a better food, I understand that they don't want to place an unhealthy dog with a child who has a disability. My mission over the next few weeks is to find the BEST possible family to adopt her.

Life goes on, as it always does. I am continuing to work at the pet store, which is madness this time of year. I never realized so many people buy their pets Christmas presents.

More posts coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. I read your blog! You're not lazy, you're just busy!

    yes, people do buy their pets Christmas presents lol! I have stockings for everyone, including the cats lol! The dogs all get new toys and treats, whereas the cats just get treats since they really aren't into playing with toys.

    I'm sorry about willow, but I know she'll make someone a wonderful pet. She's a real sweet girl, just a collie :p I love my retrievers!

    I know we talk all the time, but thought I'd post on your blog anyways!
